Speedy recovery


September 25, 2017

The tools of the do-it-yourself surgeon vary in sharpness.
Some glint in just that light,
and cut in their fashion,
but how deeply
or cleanly
only the scar will tell.

And it surprises,
the ooze I mean,
and yes, the stench.
Is that me?
I expected something more or perhaps different from the excavation of this interior.

once extracted
not all the
giblets fit back into the cavity.
What to do about the extra bits?
There really is no suitable stewpot.

Of course, the news stays private,
so no flowers adorn the recuperation.

If there is a next time, it may be best to seek a second opinion
or a Highlands malt, cask-aged and served neat.
Leave the scalpel on the tray.