graph TD; A-->B; A-->C; B-->D; C-->D; D-->A;
Music lovers of my generation remember that phrase at the lyrics of a song by the group Bread. The phrase is one of those constructive memes that my colleague, Karen Adolph and I have extended to highlight the even more informative power of video–10,000 pictures!
This post doesn’t feature any video. But it does demonstrate a new tool embedded within Quarto that I expect to make use of frequently, scriptable diagrams using Mermaid and Graphviz.
Here’s a simple one using Mermaid lightly modified from the project site.
And here’s a second one, closer to my heart, with some formatting:
flowchart TD N[Nervous system] --> B(Body) B --> W{World} W --> B B --> N N --> N B --> B W --> W
I sketch graphs like this all the time, so having support for tools like Mermaid and Graphviz built-in to Quarto should help me depict my ideas, at least some of them, in fewer words.
Of course, now I need to learn more about Mermaid (and refresh my memory about Graphviz).